Greetings everybody! Fast and tightly packed information about my nicely started summer: We've had picnic (or dicknic as somebody called it) w/ buddies, I've burned myself, been at summer cottage w/ Jenna and Pinja, swimming, eating, taken care from relatives, watered flowers and eaten some more. I've even cried but those tears were from happiness and laughing ^//^
Heh, mitä sitä "aikuisten rasvaa" ostamaan! Heh, who needs "adults' lotion"! |
Naapurilaiturilta purjehti pullopostia :) A bottle post from neighbour dock :) |
Vakkari-kuva! Must-be -picture! "jump from the dock" (somebody has erased the 'do not' -part) |
Ja minusta on varmaan tulossa SpiderMardis, koska jatkuvasti joku hämis kiipeilee pitkin jalkoja, käsiä, kenkiä, niskaa tai muuten vaan lähistöllä. Onneksi en pelkää mokomia :D Kohta kiipeilen pitkin kattoja ja graffitoin seiniä seiteillä.
For a long time I got new hairdo. The hair dresser cut so much, luckily I didn't get mushroom hair.. But she said that it's good to be cut cuz my hair were in shitty condition. The positive things are that I got nice airy hair and new lovely caramel colour. I would like to have some really short hair, some boy style, but I didn't have guts to do it >x< Weeel maybe next time!
And I'm probably going to be SpiderMardis cuz there's all the time spideys climbing on my legs, arms, neck, shoes or somewhere near to me. Thank Shisus I'm not scared of spiders :D Soon I'll be climbing on the roof and shooting webs.
VOI TAIVAS MITEN *Q* Mutta ihan totta, odotin tätä comebackia kuin hullu. Mutta Wolfiakin enemmän odotin 3.5.6:a. Ja kyllä kannatti!♥♥♥♥♥ Kun kuulin Kreeesin laulamassa, itkin. Tosissani itkinkin! Milla tuli katsomaan, taputti selkään ja sanoi: "Ymmärrän täysin~ ^^" Että näin.. Q//u//Q''
OH DEAR MOTHER FATHER HOW *Q* But Seriously I waited this comeback like crazy. But even more than Wolf I was looking for 3.5.6. And heck! ♥♥♥♥♥ When I heard Kreees sing I cried. Like seriously. Milla came to see what I was doing, she patted my back and said: "I totally understand ^^" So yeah.. Q//u//Q''
B1A4:n videot eivät koskaan petä! Idea on tosi hauska, biisi hyvä ja Ken on myös täällä! xD Kenin pahin pelko taitaa olla Baro.. keke!
B1A4's M/Vs doesn't ever betray! The idea here is so funny, the song is great and it includes Ken! xD I guess Baro is Ken's worst nightmare.. keke!
Swaggity swaggity swag swag swag!
Heippa kaikille kultahampaisille ja hampaattomille gizibeille!
Bye bye to every goldentooth and toothless gizibeys!
Bye bye to every goldentooth and toothless gizibeys!
Kuvaa hiuksista tyttöseni!
VastaaPoistaJep, minuakin kiinnostais nähdä ne uudet hiukset :3
PoistaJep! Heti kun jaksan kuvata itteeni ja vähän ehostautua, etten näytä yliajetulta supikoiralta :D