..sitten kun koeviikosta taas kahlaan läpi saa taas hengähtää hetkeksi ^^ Ja tänään huomasin, miten kaunis B2st-kalenterini lähestyy loppuaan ja KOHTA ON JOULU!! Eikä taida olla pelkoa mustasta joulusta :'D Meillä on suunnilleen 10 cm lunta ja koko ajan sataa lisää. Äiti ripusteli jo valosarjoja pitkin taloa, ihan alkaa jouluiselta tuntua.
Lopettelen nyt tähän ja lähden lueskelemaan saksaa (^-^)/ Tschüs!
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Mistä teitä muuten tupsahtelee? 30 lukijaa, I luv ya♥♥ Where you keep coming from, readers? |
Hiii everybody, this is short post. Tomorrow my second exam week'll start; German, maths, music (well yeah, theory and listening-test..) and English. Luckily we don't have any history exam. Because our curse was so smart, and wanted to make 2 essays in our free-time.. and those replaces exam.. Argh really: we spent our precious free-time by writing hours of essays instead of making exam.. Well.. guh..
..when exam week ends, I'll have more time to do my own things ^^ This morning I noticed that my beautiful B2st-calender is nearing to end and SOON IT'S CHRISTMAS!! And sure we don't have to scare to black Christmas :'D We have already nearly 10 cm snow layer and more is falling all the time. Mom has already planted some deco lights so I feel like in Christmas.
I'm going now to study some German (^-^)/ Tschüs!
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