Hallo, long time no see! I've little hard time to start writing, when there's nothing good or interesing going on in my life.. -_- I haven't taken even photos, coz I'm so tired to my camera. My hair are mocking me every freaking morning, (this morning I claved about 7 cm long hair from my right eye) and boredomess is taking control. Though I still have oh so wonderful music and drama! The drama that I ordered while ago arrived and dang it; only 1 episode left anymore (o*^*,)o So, the drama carries name Oh My Lady and I like it very much!! The main cast is Choi Siwon, Chae Rim, Lee Hyeonwoo, Hanbyeol Park and Moon Jeonghee. Story is about single parent mom, who gets job from selfish and smug actor, and later on from company what produces musicals. Very poor explanation :'D Sorry~
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Olen niin luovalla tuulella ja napsin 2 vähäistä kuvaa kaveriltani googlelta.. I'm so creative mood and took these 2 pics from my friend google.. |
Ja nyt tyhjennän blogiin menevien kuvien kansion ja postaan tänne ne kuvat, jotka olis pitänyt olla täällä jo kauan sitten.
And now I'm going to clean up my file that includes pics to my blog, and I'll post pics that should have been there long time ago.
Jei Jei popparin julisteita~ Yay Yay popcorn's posters~ |
Popparissa tuli kans _TOSI_ söpöjä tatskoja XD In popcorn there was _SO_ cute fake tattoos XD |
Mun synttärilahja Piniltä ;w; ♥ My birthday gift from Pini ;w; ♥ |
Miss Mix -bongauksen laitoin vaihteeksi kollaasini tilalle. Miss Mix -discovery. I switched collage to this. |
HAH! Demi on ylittänyt itsensä ^^ HAH! Demi has made it ^^ |
The winter jacket that I ordered arrived today.. When I was ordering it, I would like to buy the dark gray out of black and light gray alternatives. Well there were dark gray ones, but only MENS size XL. I thought, that color is so lovely, that I'll take it and I'll make is suitable. After couple days I was so happy; order is shipped. Yeah right.. Day after that I got email from the seller, who said that grays are out of sale, so my order changed it color to black. Nice and friendly girl that I'm, I thought just wait and see the jacket, black isn't that bad color. Then it hit me: the jacket is now wrong color and 3 sizes too big!! Well.. the funny thing is: I triend the jacket on me and all I have to say that I'm as big as large chineseman.
Thanks for reading new and old honeys♥ Fighting!!
XDD suurikoinen kiinalaismies,kiitos piristit päivää. Toivottavasti saat siitä takista jotenkin omankoisen :D ja hyvää vkl :)
VastaaPoistamut muuten onko toi poprcon,vai mien kirjoitetaan,niin vielä myynissä? esim kcittarissa?
Eipä taida enää olla O~O pahoittelen, on tosiaan jo hieman vanhentunutta kuvamateriaalia ^^'' Ja kiitos tuhannesti kommentista!♥ Takki saa operoitua komerossa pakkasiin ja 10 cm:n lumikerrokseen saakka! ^^