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Little snack pause in Friday ^w^ |

Hiyaa~! I'm returned! So we were whole weekend in Kouvola. We lived couple of days at hotel, but we were pretty much at our relatives; my dad's older brother, his wife and their son. My godparents and a cousin ^^ My cousin's confirmation was today, but we were helping (well what you want to count as helping.. like eating and everything possible disturbing all evening along..). Atleast my parent's help them to move furniture and they fetch some of the foods. Plus we youngsters kept company to eachothers.
In Saturday we were shopping, like I hoped (o//^3^)o But actually, I didn't waste very much money.. I bought purple cardigan, couple face masks, casual white tank top and new hair wave curler. And then I made little book-procurements: I bought Norwegian Wood♥ Plus I found Japanese - and German -dictionarys (Coz my high school courses, I'll probably need them. Too bad that there probably isn't Korean dictionary. That kind would be handy too!). In the evening we had family reunion. There were dad's parents and other siblings w/ their families.
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Cardigan: Seppälä And other stuffs from Prisma |
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Poor cat was waiting the opening of gate.. Sorry little guy, you weren't helping other's job ^^'' |
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Today's party-look |
I had to say goodbyes to my Marco Tozzies *^* While walking on the city, my feet were just about to die. Thankies dear dad, who cares his daughter's feet and bought her these new beauties♥
Piti heittää hyvästit vanhoille Marco Tozzeille *^* Kun kävelimme kaupungilla, jalkani olivat aika lähellä hirttäytymistä. Kiitus isälle, joka huolehtii tyttärensä jaloista ja osti hänelle nämä uudet sulot♥
Piti heittää hyvästit vanhoille Marco Tozzeille *^* Kun kävelimme kaupungilla, jalkani olivat aika lähellä hirttäytymistä. Kiitus isälle, joka huolehtii tyttärensä jaloista ja osti hänelle nämä uudet sulot♥
Well, parties were great and it was nice to see relatives after long time. Now, when I'm home again, I don't have to wake up so early than at hotel. Breakfast were served about at 6.30-7.30, so that makes 2 early mornings. Phew, Tuesday I have to go work again.. Oh well, tomorrow I'll sleep! I hope I see nice dreams again♥ Hmmm.. I guess it was Tuesday or Wednesday night, when I saw dream, where Super Junior lived in that shop, where I'm working at! They sleeped on shelves and bumf-packages were their pillows.. You think I work too much? And I think.. next good dream was on Thursday. Then I saw dream, that I was participating to Idols, and Minho was my boyfriend who called me to the waiting room and told me (btwhe was speaking Finnish..) that I'm gonna convince the judges ^//^♥ WHY NOTHING GOOD CAN'T BE TRUE??!! Ò^Ó*
Noh, juhlat meni ihan kivasti ja oli mukava nähdä sukua. Nyt kun olen taas kotona, ei tarvitse herätä aikaisin. Hotellin aamiaiset nimittäin tarjoiltiin n. 6.30-7.30, joten oli pakko repiä itsensä ylös aikaisin jos meinasi syödä. Huhhuh, tiistaina taas aikaisin töihin.. Mutta huomenna nukutaan! Toivon, että näkisin taas kivoja unia♥ Hmmm.. Kuvittelisin että tiistai tai keskiviikko yönä näin unta, jossa Super Junior asui ääs-marketissa, ja he nukkuivat kaupan hyllyillä vessapaperi-pakkaukset tyynyinä.. Olenko ainoa joka luulee, että teen liikaa töitä? Ja sitten olisiko ollut torstai kun näin unta, jossa olin osallistumassa Idolsiin ja Minho oli poikaystäväni, joka (puhui muuten suomea.. ) soitti minulle odotushuoneeseen kannustavan puhelun ^//^♥ JA MIKSIHÄN MIKÄÄN IHANA EI VOI OLLA TOTTA??!! Ò^Ó*
I think I'm gonna go drink a big cup of tea, and then to the dreamlands. Guud nite ya~♥
Ja nyt minä luulen että lähden juomaan ison kupillisen teetä ja sitten höyhensaarille. Kauniita unia~♥
-Thanks about great comeback, f(x)! ^^
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