I thought I should post before school starts (which is actually day after tomorrow..) and tell what I've been doing on this summer.
Mostly I've been working. I finished both of my jobs last week, so I could study for my finals. Surprise surprise, I've read no school related stuff.. Well yeah, it was fun to work the whole summer. It's so wrong but I enjoy being useful and helpful and making others happy. Then what could be any better than working in a shop and a café! Especially in the shop! And as a plus, I get paid from it. After work (if I had free afternoon/evening) it was great to book it up for other activities such as picnics, friends, swimming etc. I also made something quite crazy.. With my June's pay I bought a car. Yes a car! I'll post photos maybe later, when I've done all the repairing and the surface is waxed and so on. Yes yes, I'm trying to do mechanics stuff myself as much as I can. ^-^
What a delightful dirty mirror from shop's locker room.. |
Few nights back I got really interesting requests from my friends. Would I like to design tattoos? Heck yeah! The idea of someone's going to have my drawing in her skin is amazing. So I started right away, made two illustrations and my friends liked them pretty much. Here you can see part of one of the tattoo designs. Sorry for the quality of the pic, ace didn't like café's lightning.
I've also been drawing and customing shirts. |
Pyrähdin myös Kuopiossa tapaamassa Piniä, Senjaa ja Amandaa, ja kävimme vierailemassa kotieläinpuistossa. Saatiin kyllä paijata ja ruokkia eläimiä koko rahan edestä! Oli aivan ihanaa nähdä kehäkolmosen tyttöjäkin pitkästä aikaa! Viime kerrasta olikin jo liian kauan. ♥
I also made a trip to Kuopio to meet Pini, Senja and Amanda, and we visited in a farm. We got to pet and feed animals so much that it was totally worth the money we paid! It was wonderful to meet Ama and Senja, we meet so seldom! ♥
My gang. |
Ja tämän uuden laukkuni esittelyn myötä, haluan toivottaa kaikille kivaa loppulomaa~! ^3^ Minä ainakin vietän sen autokoulussa ja KakaoTalkissa roikkuen!
And among showing you this new bag of mine, I would like to wish you happy rest-of-the-vacation~! ^3^ /haha don't even know what word that is.. ;; / I'm going to spend my last free days in driving school and KakaoTalk!